About Shawl Sites

Scott Shawl is a former journalist and college instructor who took a risk and started his own small business designing WordPress websites.

Central Michigan University is where I graduated in 2015, as well as Delta College in 2013. During that time, I worked as a freelance newspaper reporter and photographer. My major was in journalism with a public relations concentration while my minor was in media design, production and technology.

I continued working for newspapers through graduate school until I earned my Masters degree in English. In 2022, I began a new journey teaching composition courses at a community college. I three semesters teaching while using an employee scholarship to take courses in WordPress coding and graphic design, until I earned a certificate in web design.

My professional goal in life is to write and publish a novel, but I have to pay the bills to do that. Both careers as a journalist and a teacher earned around the same amount as a fast-food worker, so I decided to pursue web design and WordPress development to pay the bills.